murmurhash1,murmurhash2,murmurhash3,siphash(redis6.0当中使⽤,rust等大多数语言选用的hash算法来实现hashmap),cityhash 都具备强随机分布性;测试地址如下:
- Sanity 是不是可以使用的
- Performance 完成一个散列需要多长时间
- Differentials 产生相同哈希的概率,可能导致相同的的最小差异
- Keysets 分布均匀程度
(No test hash given on command line, testing Murmur3_x86_32.)
--- Testing Murmur3A (MurmurHash3 for x86, 32-bit)
[[[ Sanity Tests ]]]
Verification value 0xB0F57EE3 : Passed!
Running sanity check 1..........PASS
Running sanity check 2..........PASS
[[[ Speed Tests ]]]
Bulk speed test - 262144-byte keys
Alignment 0 - 1.204 bytes/cycle - 3445.95 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment 1 - 1.183 bytes/cycle - 3384.05 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment 2 - 1.185 bytes/cycle - 3391.40 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment 3 - 1.191 bytes/cycle - 3407.85 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment 4 - 1.206 bytes/cycle - 3449.75 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment 5 - 1.188 bytes/cycle - 3399.61 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment 6 - 1.183 bytes/cycle - 3384.83 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Alignment 7 - 1.188 bytes/cycle - 3399.88 MiB/sec @ 3 ghz
Small key speed test - 1-byte keys - 31.25 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 2-byte keys - 31.43 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 3-byte keys - 31.46 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 4-byte keys - 31.20 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 5-byte keys - 31.66 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 6-byte keys - 32.92 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 7-byte keys - 34.23 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 8-byte keys - 31.63 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 9-byte keys - 34.16 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 10-byte keys - 34.93 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 11-byte keys - 35.71 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 12-byte keys - 34.92 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 13-byte keys - 35.57 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 14-byte keys - 35.93 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 15-byte keys - 35.75 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 16-byte keys - 35.93 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 17-byte keys - 35.97 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 18-byte keys - 35.38 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 19-byte keys - 35.43 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 20-byte keys - 35.94 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 21-byte keys - 35.65 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 22-byte keys - 35.07 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 23-byte keys - 35.29 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 24-byte keys - 35.84 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 25-byte keys - 35.80 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 26-byte keys - 35.72 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 27-byte keys - 35.86 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 28-byte keys - 35.88 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 29-byte keys - 35.94 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 30-byte keys - 35.96 cycles/hash
Small key speed test - 31-byte keys - 43.11 cycles/hash
[[[ Differential Tests ]]]
Testing 8303632 up-to-5-bit differentials in 64-bit keys -> 32 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 8303632000 total tests, expecting 1.93 random collisions..........
1 total collisions, of which 1 single collisions were ignored
Testing 11017632 up-to-4-bit differentials in 128-bit keys -> 32 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 11017632000 total tests, expecting 2.57 random collisions..........
2 total collisions, of which 2 single collisions were ignored
Testing 2796416 up-to-3-bit differentials in 256-bit keys -> 32 bit hashes.
1000 reps, 2796416000 total tests, expecting 0.65 random collisions..........
1 total collisions, of which 1 single collisions were ignored
[[[ Avalanche Tests ]]]
Testing 32-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.646000%
Testing 40-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.669333%
Testing 48-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.544667%
Testing 56-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.663333%
Testing 64-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.680000%
Testing 72-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.588000%
Testing 80-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.630667%
Testing 88-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.636667%
Testing 96-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.654667%
Testing 104-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.670667%
Testing 112-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.698667%
Testing 120-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.662667%
Testing 128-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.598000%
Testing 136-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.681333%
Testing 144-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.698000%
Testing 152-bit keys -> 32-bit hashes, 300000 reps.......... worst bias is 0.656000%
[[[ Keyset 'Cyclic' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 4 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 11641.53, actual 11794.00 ( 1.01x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 17 - 0.039%
Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 5 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 11641.53, actual 11784.00 ( 1.01x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 31 - 0.040%
Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 6 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 11641.53, actual 11671.00 ( 1.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 15 - 0.021%
Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 7 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 11641.53, actual 11672.00 ( 1.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 12 - 0.022%
Keyset 'Cyclic' - 8 cycles of 8 bytes - 10000000 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 11641.53, actual 11509.00 ( 0.99x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 17 - 0.023%
[[[ Keyset 'TwoBytes' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-4-byte keys, 652545 total keys
Testing collisions - Expected 49.57, actual 20.00 ( 0.40x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 16-bit window at bit 23 - 0.201%
Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-8-byte keys, 5471025 total keys
Testing collisions - Expected 3484.56, actual 3089.00 ( 0.89x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 16 - 0.061%
Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-12-byte keys, 18616785 total keys
Testing collisions - Expected 40347.77, actual 39454.00 ( 0.98x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 1 - 0.015%
Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-16-byte keys, 44251425 total keys
Testing collisions - Expected 227963.15, actual 225188.00 ( 0.99x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 23 - 0.005%
Keyset 'TwoBytes' - up-to-20-byte keys, 86536545 total keys
Testing collisions - Expected 871784.70, actual 864247.00 ( 0.99x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 25 - 0.003%
[[[ Keyset 'Sparse' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Sparse' - 32-bit keys with up to 6 bits set - 1149017 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 153.70, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 17-bit window at bit 8 - 0.055%
Keyset 'Sparse' - 40-bit keys with up to 6 bits set - 4598479 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 2461.72, actual 2318.00 ( 0.94x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 19-bit window at bit 14 - 0.060%
Keyset 'Sparse' - 48-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 1925357 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 431.55, actual 392.00 ( 0.91x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 17-bit window at bit 3 - 0.050%
Keyset 'Sparse' - 56-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 4216423 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 2069.66, actual 2033.00 ( 0.98x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 19-bit window at bit 20 - 0.032%
Keyset 'Sparse' - 64-bit keys with up to 5 bits set - 8303633 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 8026.87, actual 7964.00 ( 0.99x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 8 - 0.047%
Keyset 'Sparse' - 96-bit keys with up to 4 bits set - 3469497 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 1401.34, actual 1454.00 ( 1.04x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 19-bit window at bit 26 - 0.062%
Keyset 'Sparse' - 256-bit keys with up to 3 bits set - 2796417 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 910.36, actual 925.00 ( 1.02x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 19-bit window at bit 27 - 0.059%
Keyset 'Sparse' - 2048-bit keys with up to 2 bits set - 2098177 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 512.50, actual 505.00 ( 0.99x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 18-bit window at bit 26 - 0.063%
[[[ Keyset 'Combination Lowbits' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Combination' - up to 8 blocks from a set of 8 - 19173960 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 42799.01, actual 43708.00 ( 1.02x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 18 - 0.010%
[[[ Keyset 'Combination Highbits' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Combination' - up to 8 blocks from a set of 8 - 19173960 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 42799.01, actual 42696.00 ( 1.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 28 - 0.013%
[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x8000000' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Combination' - up to 20 blocks from a set of 2 - 2097150 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 512.00, actual 478.00 ( 0.93x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 18-bit window at bit 0 - 0.085%
[[[ Keyset 'Combination 0x0000001' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Combination' - up to 20 blocks from a set of 2 - 2097150 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 512.00, actual 466.00 ( 0.91x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 18-bit window at bit 8 - 0.060%
[[[ Keyset 'Combination Hi-Lo' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Combination' - up to 6 blocks from a set of 15 - 12204240 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 17339.30, actual 17632.00 ( 1.02x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 13 - 0.021%
[[[ Keyset 'Window' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Windowed' - 64-bit key, 20-bit window - 64 tests, 1048576 keys per test
Window at 0 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 1 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 2 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 3 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 4 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 5 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 6 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 7 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 8 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 9 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 10 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 11 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 12 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 13 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 60.00 ( 0.47x)
Window at 14 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 118.00 ( 0.92x)
Window at 15 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 70.00 ( 0.55x)
Window at 16 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 94.00 ( 0.73x)
Window at 17 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 170.00 ( 1.33x)
Window at 18 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 146.00 ( 1.14x)
Window at 19 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 142.00 ( 1.11x)
Window at 20 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 168.00 ( 1.31x)
Window at 21 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 128.00 ( 1.00x)
Window at 22 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 112.00 ( 0.88x)
Window at 23 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 132.00 ( 1.03x)
Window at 24 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 126.00 ( 0.98x)
Window at 25 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 108.00 ( 0.84x)
Window at 26 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 104.00 ( 0.81x)
Window at 27 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 92.00 ( 0.72x)
Window at 28 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 52.00 ( 0.41x)
Window at 29 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 48.00 ( 0.38x)
Window at 30 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 31 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 32 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 33 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 34 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 35 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 36 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 37 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 38 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 39 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 40 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 41 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 42 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 43 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 44 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 45 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 46 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 96.00 ( 0.75x)
Window at 47 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 56.00 ( 0.44x)
Window at 48 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 108.00 ( 0.84x)
Window at 49 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 126.00 ( 0.98x)
Window at 50 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 128.00 ( 1.00x)
Window at 51 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 218.00 ( 1.70x)
Window at 52 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 116.00 ( 0.91x)
Window at 53 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 98.00 ( 0.77x)
Window at 54 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 108.00 ( 0.84x)
Window at 55 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 80.00 ( 0.63x)
Window at 56 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 86.00 ( 0.67x)
Window at 57 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 74.00 ( 0.58x)
Window at 58 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 72.00 ( 0.56x)
Window at 59 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 102.00 ( 0.80x)
Window at 60 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 144.00 ( 1.13x)
Window at 61 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 116.00 ( 0.91x)
Window at 62 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 68.00 ( 0.53x)
Window at 63 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Window at 64 - Testing collisions - Expected 128.00, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
[[[ Keyset 'Text' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "Foo[XXXX]Bar" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 25418.13, actual 26208.00 ( 1.03x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 17 - 0.017%
Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "FooBar[XXXX]" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 25418.13, actual 25450.00 ( 1.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 20-bit window at bit 1 - 0.026%
Keyset 'Text' - keys of form "[XXXX]FooBar" - 14776336 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 25418.13, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 17-bit window at bit 5 - 0.004%
[[[ Keyset 'Zeroes' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Zeroes' - 65536 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 0.50, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 13-bit window at bit 6 - 0.288%
[[[ Keyset 'Seed' Tests ]]]
Keyset 'Seed' - 1000000 keys
Testing collisions - Expected 116.42, actual 0.00 ( 0.00x)
Testing distribution - Worst bias is the 17-bit window at bit 26 - 0.069%
Input vcode 0x7c689bd5, Output vcode 0xcd694af9, Result vcode 0x00000001
Verification value is 0x00000001 - Testing took 951.135981 seconds
其他的测试项目 (待测试)